Saturday 24 October 2015

Creating Logo Online Store

Creating Logo Online Store. A logo is often a very important role in promoting e-commerce web or online store. Logo into a form of professionalism an online store to add to the confidence of prospective customers. Usually in making a logo person will be creative with a variety of characters to form a good work but still give a meaning related to the online store built. You'll also want to have an online store complete with a logo that is cool right?

To make a good logo also will require special skills, in this case usually needed expertise in designing images using Photoshop such applications. With a wide variety Photoshop logo design can be created. But for those who are not proficient in using Photoshop would be a separate issue to be able to make a nice logo.

In designing a banner, logo etc Photoshop indeed have contributed to a very nice, but in fact there are also some applications that are easy to use to create a great logo like using Photoshop. Some time ago I tried to free software to create a logo for online store fashion shop I'm putting up. Although this free software functions are not as powerful as Photoshop, but to simply make an application logo I am a pretty good value. Just how we are creative and imaginative in the form of a logo that you are a pretty good value.

Examples of logo / header online store fashion shop that I made yesterday.

If you are interested in using this free software, through this article I want to share this software. You can download through this web.

Try to be creative as much as you to get a good online store logos in accordance with your expectations.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Modifikasi Yamaha Vixion Terbaru 2012

Modifikasi Yamaha Vixion Terbaru 2012. Modifikasi motor sepertinya adalah hobi yang sangat menyenangkan, itu terlihat dari beberapa anak muda yang asyik mengutak-atik motornya tanpa peduli berapa biaya yang harus keluar. Salah satu menjadi favorit mereka untuk diutak atik adalah motor yamaha vixion. Beberapa konsep modifikasi yamaha vixion sudah banyak beredar diinternet. Ide-ide mereka dalam memodifikasi yamaha vixion perlu diacungi jempol, sangat kreatif dan brilian.

Saat ini kebanyakan motor yang dimodifikasi adalah dari merek yamaha yaitu Byson dan Vixion karena dua motor ini memang lebih mantab jika diberi sentuhan berbeda pada bodynya, lebih kelihatan trendy, gagah dan sporty. Bagi seorang cowok menunggangi motor keren seperti Vixion atau Byson yang sudah dimodifikasi memang sangat bangga dan ini juga menjadi tips jitu untuk menaikkan prestise mereka dimata cewek. Siapa sih cewek yang tidak suka melihat cowok memiliki tunggangan motor keren seperti motor para pembalap di MotoGP? Nah kali ini blog berita teknologi sekedar ingin memberikan beberapa desain modifikasi vixion yang konsepnya maknyus banget.
Modifikasi Vixion 2012 Modifikasi Vixion 2012
Gimana modifikasi vixion 2012 tersebut, keren kan? Beberapa konsep modifikasi vixion tersebut bisa kamu jadikan referensi untuk menciptakan desain baru dengan ide-ide brilian kamu.